Four princes had heard about a Red-Bud tree but not seen it. One day, the eldest prince went into the woods to see it. It was spring and the tree had no leaves or buds. The prince could not understand why it was called a Red-Bud tree. Then, during spring, the next son went to see the tree. This time it was covered with red buds. Now, when the third son went to see the tree, it was covered with green leaves. Finally, the youngest prince went to see the Red-Bud tree. By this time it was covered with little bean-pods. He excitedly told the other princes, “I have seen the Red-Bud tree.” The others shouted, “We too!” Each explained what he saw. Now, they got confused because each had seen a different shade of the tree. The king hearing this, explained to them, “You have seen the same tree, but at a different time of the year.”
The Varying Seasons