The Vengeful Stork

A Fox and a Stork were good friends. The Fox thought of playing a prank on his friend one day.
He went to the Stork and said, “My dear friend. I am preparing a special meal tomorrow and I would love if you could join me.” The Stork accepted his invitation.
The next day, the Stork reached the Fox’s house right in time for dinner. As he entered the house, he smelled delicious food. He was ready for a hearty meal. But as he sat on the dining table, he noticed that the food was served in flat plates.
The Stork was upset as he could only dip the end of his beak in the food. As the Fox finished his dinner, he looked at the Stork and said with a mocking smile, “Didn’t you like the food? You have barely eaten anything.”
The Stork understood that the clever Fox was playing a prank on him. He replied, “The food was delicious but I am not feeling hungry. I would like for you to come over to my house tomorrow so that I may cook your favourite meal. After all, you have been so kind to me.”
The Fox gladly accepted the invitation and reached the Stork’s house the next day. As he entered the house, the Stork told him that he had cooked his favourite meal. The greedy Fox was very hungry.

Without any delay, the Stork directed him to the dining table. But to the Fox’s horror, the food was served in a long jar. He could barely put his snout into the jar as it was narrow. The Fox understood the Stork’s trick and apologised to the Stork for his behaviour.

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