The Washerman’s Silly Donkey

Once, there was a washerman, who had a dog and a donkey. The washerman loved them both. But every evening, he would play with his dog. Seeing this, the donkey wondered why he was not his master’s favourite even though he carried huge loads on his back. One day, the donkey observed the dog. When the master came back from work, the dog ran towards him. Then, he barked and wagged his tail. The master patted him lovingly. The donkey decided to do the same to get his master’s love. Next day, when the master came back from work, the donkey ran towards him. The master got scared. Then the donkey started to bray loudly and waved his tail. The master thought, “The donkey has gone mad.” He picked up a stick and beat the donkey. Later, the donkey realised his foolishness and never tried to imitate the dog again.

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