The Wild Ass and the Jackal

A jackal used to roam around the mountains for his prey. One day, he saw another jackal and they began to narrate the story of their conquests. The first jackal told the other that once when he saw a wild ass, he killed him and ate the heart of the wild ass very heartily. He was so full in his stomach that he could not eat for many days as he was not hungry. When the other jackal heard this story, he became too jealous and willed to do the same. He got so worried that he was unable to kill a wild ass. He fell sick and slept in his house for many days.

Some hunters chased a wild ass and shot him with a forked arrow. The wild ass fell down dead in front of the jackal’s house. The two hunters could not remove the forked arrow and left it as it was. The jackal saw the dead animal, felt happy, tore into the body and ate the heart. As he ate it, the forked arrow got stuck in his throat. He realized that the Allah fulfilled his needs but punished him for greed.

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