Once, a cunning king possessed a wild horse. One day, a horse seller came to sell his horses. The cunning king did not want to pay a high price for the horses, so he asked his courtier to set the wild horse free among them. The wild horse bit the horses and wounded them. After that the king bought the horses at a low price. One of the king’s ministers was very honest. He told the horse seller what the king did. The horse seller was angry. The minister asked him to get a wild horse the next time he came. When the horse seller came again, he brought a wild horse with him. The king, as usual, set his wild horse free. But this time, the wild horse, to the king’s surprise, got friendly with the other wild horse. The honest minister explained, “Sir, they got friendly because of their similar nature.” The king had to give the right price for the horses and admitted his mistake.
The Wild Horses