The Window

Chapter 7

On a fine Sunday, Mr. Utterson and Mr. Enfield were out together on there usual evening stroll and they came across the same door.

“So, the story of Mr. Hyde is over,” said Enfield, “We shall not be hearing that name again.”

“I am not sure,” returned Utterson, “but I am sure I mentioned about me seeing him once and I felt the same feeling of repulsion as you did.”

“Anyway, you must have thought real stupid of me to not realize this door was the back to Jekyll’s place! It’s only because of you that I came to know about it.”

“Why don’t we check out the windows of the house in the court? Honestly, I feel Jekyll could really use a friend right now. It would be good for him.”

The court was dimly lit and silent. One of the three windows were partially open and Dr. Jekyll was sitting beside it resting in his armchair,

“I hope you are better, Jekyll my friend,” cried Utterson as soon as he saw him.

“I am not very well, fortunately the duration of my suffering is not long,” replied the doctor.

“You should get out and enjoy the weather,” said the lawyer, “You remain too much inside. Come down here and take a stroll with me and my cousin Enfiled.”

“It is very kind of you,” said Jekyll, “I would love to accept your invitation; but it won’t be possible I am afraid. But I am really happy and contented to see Mr. Enfield and you. If the place was fit I would have loved to ask u both up.”

“Well, the best thing is to have our pleasant conversation from where we are,” said Mr. Utterson with a pleasant smile.

“That is the best that I can do,” replied the doctor good naturedly but instantly terror struck his face and it was occupied by expressions of despair. Before the other two could say a word, the window was immediately shut on their very faces. They looked at each other and continued to there walk in silence. They both were petrified with the incidenet back there; but without uttering a sinle word to each other, they kept walking.

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