Daedalus was one of the most famous Athenian inventors. He had created a wonderful maze for King Minos of Crete. However, the cruel king imprisoned Daedalus and his son Icarus, so that they might never tell anyone how to escape from the maze. Still, Daedalus made plans for their escape. For months, he collected bird feathers. He collected wax from the candles in their cell. Using these, he created two sets of wings. He strapped one set onto his own shoulders and another onto Icarus. He warned his son, “If you fly too high, the wax will melt. If you fly too low, the sea spray will wet the wings. In either case, you will fall.” Icarus promised to take care, and they both flew off. Daedalus landed onto safe land. However, Icarus forgot his father’s words. Thrilled with the feeling of flying, he flew too high. The wax melted and the feathers came unglued. Icarus fell into the sea and was drowned!
The Wings of Icarus