The Wise Crab and the Crane

Once, it did not rain for a long time. A pond, where many fish and a crab lived, had very little water left. All the fish became worried. They held a meeting. One wise fish said, “We need to move to another place where there is plenty of water.” A crane, who was hearing all this, said, “I know of a pond full of water. I can take you there.” No one trusted the crane, so the wise fish went with him to see the pond. He was delighted to see so much water and told everyone about it. It was decided that the crane would take the fish to the new pond. Every day, the crane took one fish. But, alas! He ate the fish on the way. Finally, only the crab was left. As the crab was going with the crane, he saw many fish bones scattered on the way. The clever crab realised what the crane had done. He immediately clutched the crab’s neck with his claws and killed him.

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