The Wise Frog

The Wise Frog

Once, there lived two frogs named Fizzy and Faggy in the jungle. They enjoyed their life in the pond and marshy forest. One year there was no rain. All the marsh and swamps began to dry up. The animals were worried and started moving to different places. Fizzy and Faggy were worried too. Fizzy said, “O friend, what do we do now? The water had dried up and there are no snails left to eat.” Faggy said, “Let’s go before it is too late for us.” The two of them started on their search for water.

After a long day’s hopping, they arrived at a deep well. Fizzy became very happy to see the well and peeped inside and croaked, “Let us jump inside.” Faggy was wiser. “Wait!” he said. He picked up a stone and hurled it into the water. The stone cracked against the dry floor of the well. “You must always first look before you leap,” he advised his friend.

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