On the snow-covered mountains of Kailash, there lived Lord Shiva with his wife Parvati. They had two sons. The elder, Ganesha and the younger, Karttik. Ganesha was wise and patient while Karttik was playful. But both were very powerful and kind. All the gods loved them dearly. One day, the gods were discussing about the unmatched powers of Ganesha and Karttik. But who was the wiser of the brothers could not be decided. So they approached the holy sage Narada. Sage Narada suggested that they should let the two brothers compete to get their answer. They all reached Mt Kailash and told everything to Shiva and Parvati. It was then decided that the two brothers would race around the world and the one who finished first would be regarded as the wiser of the two. Karttik swiftly started for the race while Ganesha with his both palms joined in reverence circled around his parents. When asked what he was doing, he replied, “My parents mean the world to me.” Everyone was impressed. When Karttik returned from his journey, he was told everything. He admitted that none was wiser than his brother. And thus, Ganesha won the race and was regarded as the wiser.