One day, the residents of the Jewish town of Chelm thought that there was no point in all of them separately worrying about the various problems of their lives. The mayor told that he would appoint a worry man who would be given the duty to worry for all the residents of Chelm. Everybody hailed it as a great idea. Soon the discussions began over the topic that who was the most suited person to be appointed for the duty of worrying for all. One of the elderly residents suggested that, Yossel, the cobbler should be given the job because he seemed to have a lot of time at his disposal. The mayor immediately sent his armies to fetch the cobbler. When Yossel was brought to the mayor, he was told the reason for which he was brought there.
After the nature of the job was explained to him, Yossel at once asked suspiciously how much he would be paid. The mayor replied that he would pay Yossel one kopek a week. Yossel refused to do the job saying that he would have nothing to worry about if they gave him one kopek a week.