Mike stared at the new teacher. She had grey eyes, white teeth, red lips and jet black hair. One day, Mike was shocked to see that the teacher’s hair was turning grey, her teeth yellow and face wrinkled. Before he could tell anyone, the teacher took them all for a forest picnic. As they reached the forest, the teacher transformed into a horrendous witch and locked up the children in a terrible castle full of scary creatures. Every night, she made four children catch bats, toads and lizards and boil them in a huge pot of hot water. When the witch drank this mixture, she would become a little younger. The four children would have fever for two-three days, so another four would do the task. One day, Mike and his three friends were given the task. As the witch came to look at the boiling mixture, the boys forcefully pushed her in the pot. Before she could recover, they all escaped.