An old man, who had been a warrior, had become a monk. He and his brave son, Conrad, came to live in a forest to protect the people of the countryside from all evils. One day, when Conrad went to cut wood, a huge white wolf leapt out at him. Unable to take out his sword, he flung his axe at it, injuring its front leg. Then, he took out his sword and slashed at the wolf. As it fell groaning, Conrad felt a great wave of pity for the poor creature. He bound its wounds and carried it home. He looked after the injured wolf and laid it on his own bed to rest, under holy pictures on the wall. While he was preparing medicines to put on the wounds, he heard the wolf moaning in a human voice. He turned and saw a beautiful maiden in place of the wolf!

The Magician’s Daughter
Conrad healed the girl and learnt that she was the daughter of a magician and had come to the forest to collect some herbs, when she had been injured. He wept for her and then he devoted himself completely to her care. He wished to change her into a gentle person, away from all the terrible magical influence. She did change and used to sing sweet songs and went to church with him. They were soon to be married. One day, she asked him to take her to the place where she had been injured. He took her there, but suddenly, they were surrounded by strange creatures from the underworld: goblins, witches, dwarfs, owls and cats! They danced wildly, grabbing Conrad. The girl also broke into a terrible laugh and danced with them, whirling right away from Conrad! She never returned; Conrad fell ill and died. Everyone around heard a wolf’s howl.