Once, an elephant and a lamb were good friends. The elephant played the flute in king lion’s court. One day, a wolf caught the lamb. The lamb saw that the wolf was carrying a flute with him. So, he said, “I know you are going to eat me, but before you eat me I would like to hear you play the flute. I have heard that you can play the flute better than anyone else, even better than the elephant.” The wolf was so pleased at this that he took out his flute and began to play. When he was done, the lamb insisted on him playing once more. The lamb prompted the wolf and the wolf played again. The lamb’s friend, the elephant, heard the sound. The moment he heard the sound, he rushed towards it. And he saw that the wolf had caught the lamb. The elephant gave a nice bashing to the wolf and saved his friend, the lamb. The wolf ran away as quickly as possible.
The Wolf and the Lamb