The Wolf Befools the Sheepdogs

The Wolf Befools the Sheepdogs

Once, a wolf named Sannu, lived with his father wolf, mother wolf and his five siblings. Hunting the prey for themselves seemed to them quite difficult, as they were so idle and always looked at others to hunt the food for them. One day, all family were wandering hither and thither. Then they saw the grazing sheep of the neighbouring village. But the sheep were well guarded by the sheepdogs. One day, Sannu gathered all wolves and said, “Let’s try to fool the sheepdogs so that we may get them out of our way.” One of the wolves befriended the sheepdogs. One day he said to them, “You all are fools to serve man like this.

You guard their sheep and in return you get whipped and kicks from them. Come with us to our den and live with us. Both of us then can divide the meat of the sheep amongst us.” The sheepdogs were befooled by the wolf’s sweet talk. All of them left the flock and went to the wolf’s den. As they left, all the wolves attacked the sheep who were torn to pieces. The wolves then made a meal of the sheep.

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