The Wonders Of Science

Our present era is truly the age of science. Science has progressed by leaps and bounds. It has brought about many revolutions in the life of a man. Rather, science has changed the very life and living style of a man. It has transformed the very face of the earth. Science has bestowed upon humanity great and far reaching inventions and discoveries. It has blessed mankind with such instruments and had earned a name and reverence. The wonders of science are too many to be enumerated but still, some wonders are worth mentioning. The entire growth and advancement of science is really a vast subject. But some of the wonders which science has provided to the human race, are decidedly remarkable. On the whole, the wonders of science are countless. Science has taught us to swim like fish in water and to fly like birds in air. It has given man comforts and facilities like telephone, television, fans, computers, air conditioned cars and buildings. In the field of science, the difference between summer and winter is negligible. Science can be used to eliminate poverty, clean slums, increase production in the farms as well as in factories and for other constructive purposes. All these are, as a matter of fact, the wonders of science.

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