The Wooden Cuckoo

Once upon a time, there lived a carpenter named Thomas who made beautiful wooden toys. His daughter Minnie had a pet Cuckoo that sang beautifully. One day, the Cuckoo fell ill and died. Minnie was very sad and stopped eating and playing. Thomas had an idea. He became busy in making a special wooden Cuckoo for his daughter and got a wizard to put magic dust on it. Late that night, when Minnie was asleep, Thomas kept the wooden Cuckoo by her bedside. The next morning, when Minnie woke up, she was thrilled to see a beautiful wooden Cuckoo. In the morning, the Cuckoo would speak and sing like a real bird and at night it would turn into a wooden Cuckoo again. That day onwards, Minnie had a wonderful friend in her wooden Cuckoo. She taught it new songs, while the Cuckoo would tell her what was happening in the outside world.

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