An old carpenter had no family. He made puppets from wood in his free time. One day, a fairy decided to reward him for his hard work. She changed one of the puppets into a real boy! The happy old man named him Pinocchio and sent him to school. But Pinocchio did not like school. He was soon lured away by two rogues he met on the way to school. He was made to perform in a puppet theatre every night and kept chained when he was not on stage. Pinocchio called on the good fairy for help. But when she asked him to tell her the whole truth about what had happened, Pinocchio lied. But, as he lied, his nose grew long. It kept growing longer and longer as he lied more and more. At last, the good fairy thought, ‘Pinocchio had learnt his lesson.’ So not only did she make his nose go back to normal, she also helped him escape. Pinocchio became a good boy after that.
The Wooden Nose