The Wrong Direction

At a crossroads was a wooden sign with two wings. One pointed left to the village of Gastonbury and the other pointed right to Kester. Willie stood there and wondered which road to take. Finally, he went to Gastonbury. It was a lonely place with just one large manor. Willie knocked at the door, for he was tired. It opened but no one came out, so he entered. “Who’s there?” said a voice. “I’m Willie, a tired traveller,” he replied. “Will someone in Gastonbury give me food?” “This is Kester, not Gastonbury!” said the voice, “Go to the dining room and eat!” As soon as Willie ate the delicious food spread on the table, he found a lot of people sitting in the room! “Thank you for choosing this direction!” said Princess Georgina, whose voice he had heard, “You have broken the spell and may now marry me!”

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