The Young Angels

All the angels were in a meeting. They were making plans to celebrate Angel Godmother’s birthday. All the plans were made and every young angel was assigned a job to do. The older angels were supervising the work of the young angels. Sanny, a young angel, and her friend Tase set out to buy decoration material. They both bought all their material and were returning. Halfway home, Tase said, “Why don’t we rest for some time? I am very tired.” Sanny agreed, too. They laid down under a tree and closed their eyes. When they woke up, it was pitch dark. Tase was shocked. “We have slept too long, Sanny. Our decoration material is missing. What a terrible mistake we’ve made!” They both hurried to the party hall, scared. There, they saw their decoration being neatly put up by other angels. Mama Angel warned them, “Children, when you take up a responsibility, you need to be careful!”

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