A priest, who performed the royal ceremonies in a kingdom, passed away. His young son became the priest. Now, the festival of elephants was fast approaching, so the other priests went to the king and said, “Your Majesty, the priest in-charge is too young to perform the ceremony. Let us handle the ceremony.” The king agreed. When the young priest told his mother about this, she cried, “This place is rightfully yours after your father’s death. You should perform the ceremony.” The young priest went to a learned teacher and asked him to teach him all about the elephant festival. The teacher having heard everything started teaching the young priest. The young priest learnt everything very quickly. On the day of the festival, he went to the king and said, “I know everything about the festival. Do not disinherit me of my right. He challenged the other priests with his knowledge and they could not defeat him.” Finally, the king gave the young priest his right.
The Young Priest