Thorfinn Karlsefni was born around the year 980 AD in Iceland and he died after 1007 AD. Following the footsteps of Leif Eriksson, Thorfinn made his way to Vinland in an attempt to establish a permanent colony there. His expeditions are known because of their mention in the ‘Saga of the Greenlanders’ and the ‘Saga of Erik the Red’. Thorfinn is said to have decided to go to Vinland on the insistence of Gudrid, his wife. He took three ships and about 140 men with him and some women with them including his wife. The location of the colony is assumed to be L’Anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland, Canada.
Do you know: Thorfinn and Gudrid’s son Snorri is said to be the first child of European descent to be born in the New World.