Thurston, the Elephant

Long ago, there lived a herd of elephants in a valley. Every spring, they would leave their valley by the mountains and travel west to the big blue sea. In winters, they would return home to the valley. The oldest elephant, Eugelon, would often speak about the adventures of Thurston who was a small elephant. One day, Thurston was crossing a large grassy field, when he heard the sounds of a fight and a cry for help. When he went close, he saw a brood of little red scorpions attacking a big brown ant. Thurston did not really care for the scorpions, and he rushed charging and trumpeting, scaring all the scorpions away. When he went closer to the big black ant, Thurston could see that she was severely injured. He placed the ant on a big leaf and poured some drops of water over it. Slowly, the ant started moving. She thanked Thurston for his help and he left the place happily. Like this, Thurston would continue to help small creatures.

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