Tiffany was a good-natured girl. She looked pretty much like the other girls in her class. But she looked very sad. All the others girls in the school used to make fun of her because she had six fingers. A tiny finger stuck out from her little finger, giving it two heads. Tiffany would look at her fingers and feel, “How awful it looks! I wish my fingers were like those of other girls.” Tiffany’s parents would console her, pointing out her good qualities. “You have beautiful hair, good manners and a sparkling smile. When you grow up, nobody will notice your finger and they will eventually stop teasing you,” her mother said. Soon enough, Tiffany became very popular in school because she was good-natured and helpful. She had many other talents. Thus, Tiffany understood that physical features are not so important. It is more important to be a good person.
Tiffany’s Extra Finger