Tight Squeeze (Science Experiments)

Materiial Required

l Cork
l Glass soda bottle
l Petroleum jelly
l Water
l Procedure:

  1. Find a cork that will fit a glass soda bottle. Rub petroleum jelly around the sides of the cork.
  2. Fill the bottle with water, about 1 inch from the top. Set the cork in the mouth of the bottle, but do not press it down. Instead, form a tight fist and slam the cork with one sudden blow. The cork will pop out. Now, press the cork in place slowly. It will stay there.

This Is What Happens:

Scientists say that air is elastic. When air is squeezed, it will press right back. This is what happened when you forced the cork down suddenly. The air left in the bottle was squeezed, so it pushed upward and sent the cork flying out. However, when you press the cork in slowly, the compressed air has time to leak through the seal between the cork and the glass.

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