Time is Money

Laziness and negligence are man’s arch enemies. They sow the seeds of ruin. We often miss opportunities and suffer heavy losses simply because we fail to act in time and real value of time. So, we should make most of our time and not waste it in idle and useless pursuits. Life is action and we have to work and work hard in order to be successful in life. If we do not work hard and spend our time in gossips, we can never hope to achieve success or make any progress.
Work is worship. The more we work, the more we achieve. We should remember that the work done in the right direction can never go unrewarded. It will go a long way to achieve our ambition.
Money is a personal possession of man. It is the wealth, which if properly used, always bring benefits to the people. Efforts coinciding with punctuality can open the door to opportunities, achievement and progress. If man is occupied with negative thoughts and applies unethical ways to achieve goals, he is more likely to fail.
Every great personality of the world succeeded in his life only because they gave due importance to time. They were completely devoted at every moment while working for their goals. If we peck into the biographies of Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru, Lincoln, etc. we will see how determined people they were and how they made wholehearted efforts to reach their targets.
Their life was not the bed of roses. Many of them failed initially but every failure was sort of learning for them. They never let laziness, sluggishness and procrastination enter into their minds.
Initially—in the beginning

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