Little Tin Tin was having a terrible tummy ache. “What did you eat, son?” asked Mummy. “I couldn’t sleep last night at all. My tummy is paining so much!” wailed Tin Tin. “It seems something you ate hasn’t suited your tummy,” said Mummy. “I just ate a slice of pizza and went to sleep,” said Tin Tin innocently. Mummy shook her head quietly. She didn’t know whether to believe him or not. “We’ll take you to the doctor in sometime,” said Daddy. After a while, when Mummy went to Tin Tin’s room, the dustbin by the door caught her attention. It was full of tiny colourful wrappers. Alas! They were candy wrappers! No wonder, Tin Tin’s tummy was paining!
Tin Tin’s Tummy Ache