‘Tit for tat’ is an age old proverb which presents a situation in which a person does something bad to another person because that another person has done the same to him. It is the same as ‘blood for blood’ or ‘to pay someone back in the same coin’. In today’s competitive cut-throat world, this proverb holds true in every sphere of life. Today’s man is not lenient, kind and compassionate. Children are taught to be self-defensive. In doing self-defence, they learn how to take revenge. Here crops up the routine-tit for tat. To some extent, this proverb holds good, but not in every case. It is said that the greatest is the one who forgives others. If a person acts according to this proverb, he would never forgive others for the insult inflicted upon him. So here, the proverb loses its essence and is proved wrong.
Cut-throat (of an activity)—in which people compete with one another is aggressive and unfair ways