To Be Honest is to Be Brave

Once, there was a little prince. He used to lie about almost everything, especially when he did something wrong. It soon became a bad habit, and someone else ended up being punished for his misdeeds. The palace servants started resenting him, and he became nervous and miserable. One day, a little boy chopped down the prince’s favourite plum tree. The prince saw that his father, the king, did not even scold the boy. The prince was angry with his father. However, the king said, “Son, it is easier to lie than to speak the truth. This boy is brave, so I forgave him. Next time, if he repeats it, he will be punished.” The prince understood that it was better to speak the truth, and he tried not to do anything wrong, deliberately. He stopped lying. When he did, he became happy as people started liking him. He also enjoyed his life as a prince immensely.

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