There was a farmer. He had four sons. All four were youthful and healthy but were lazy. No work they would do. They made merry on what their father earned.
The farmer was fed up with his idling and worthless sons. He was worried about their future. What would come of them after his death?
He used to think of ways to put sense in them.
So far, nothing had worked.
One day, he got an idea. He said to his sons, “Look, there lies buried a treasure for you in our field. You may dig it out and share it amongst yourselves equally.”

The next day, the brothers began to dig the field. The father would not tell where exactly it was. The entire field was dug up but the treasure was not found.
The disappointed sons went to their father and said, “Father, we have dug the entire field but there is no treasure. Did you lie to us?”
The farmer spoke, “Why would I lie, my sons? The treasure is there. Rest assured, if not today it will show up tomorrow. The toil never goes waste. You have turned the soil well. Now come with me to do the sowing.”

The father and the sons sowed wheat with great zeal. That year, it rained good and the crop was bumper. The sight of the rich crop pleased the brothers.
The crop was harvested and it fetched good money.
The father distributed the money equally amongst his four sons and said, “My sons! This is the treasure that your toil fetched. As I said, the toil never goes waste.”
“Yes father, we have learnt the lesson you taught. The money earned by hard work is no less than a treasure. Now we will never shirk from work.”
The reward of their toil pleased the brothers. They no more idled or lazed but worked hard.
Moral : Work hard to satisfy your needs.