Too Salty! (Biology Experiments)

Besides sprinkling on too much salt, what makes food taste too salty?
Things Required:
2 pots
Add two tablespoonfuls of salt to two cups of water. Stir and pour half into one pot and half into the other.
Boil the water in the first pot for 20 minutes. Boil the water in the second pot for 10 minutes. Let them cool and taste each one.
This Is What Happens:
The first will taste much saltier than the second.

Science Behind It:
After the boiling has started, the water turns into water vapour, an invisible gas, and escapes into the air (evaporates). Continued boiling does not raise the temperature. It just speeds up evaporation.
The longer the salted water boils, the more water evaporates and the saltier the remaining water tastes.

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