Trade references & enquiries

When goods are sold on credit, as is the common business practice now-a-days, the seller has to make sure about the financial credit-worthiness of the buyers. He can obtain this information from sources such as—trade references supplied by the buyer himself, the buyer’s bankers or various trade associations.
1. Letter for reference from supplier:
Dear Sir,
Thank you for you order dated 10th August for 150 electric irons. But we would like to inform you that since it is your first dealing with us we require references. As soon as we hear from the references, we shall despatch the goods.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Rustam Khan
2. Letter to supplier for takes up references:
Dear Sir,
Messrs. Ruby Products. Pvt. Ltd., wish to open an account with us, and have given us your name as reference. We shall be grateful for any information you can give us about this firm. Please rely upon our treating such information confidential. We hope you will excuse us for troubling you. We are always at your service. We enclose a self-addressed and stamped envelope for your reply.
Thanking you
Yours truly
Kuku Kohli
3. Negative reply for above letter:
Dear Sir,
We must express surprise that the company you have named, has given you our name for reference. It is true that we did business with them for some time, but the amount involved was not large and the account were not always satisfactorily kept. We hope this information will be helpful, and you will treat it as confidential.
With regards,
Yours truly
Bablu Bhai
4. Positive reply :
Dear Sirs,
In reply to your enquiry about Ruby Product Pvt. (Ltd.), we can state that we have full confidence in the uprightness of this firm, and feel assured that you can rely upon their business acumen. We have been doing business with this firm for more than six years and they have always been regular and timely in settling their accounts. This information is strictly confidential and is given without responsibility on our part.
With regards
Yours truly
Bablu Bhai
5. Cautionary reply:
Dear Sirs,
Concerning the firm mentioned in your letter dated November 17, 2004 we recommend a policy of caution. We did business with this firm more than three years ago and we found a certain irregularity in settling of accounts. But we are told that the management has since changed hands. We believe that the new managers are honest businessmen. But we still recommend you to be cautious in your approach.
With regards,
Yours truly
Bablu Bhai
6. Letter asking information regarding an application for employment:
Dear Sir,
Mr. Charu Kumar, an applicant for the post of Sales Executive in our company, who has refered us to you, says, that he has been in your office for the last five years. He has asked us to write to you for particulars as to his ability and general character. We should be grateful if you could kindly inform us, how long he has been in your service, whether you found him hard working, honest and punctual. Should we engage him, is he well versed with the job? An early reply will oblige us. Any information you may send will be treated as strictly private and confidential.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Smt. Romaji Dube
7. Positive reply for above letter :
Dear Mrs. Dube,
In reply to your letter dated 7th November 2004 asking for particulars about Mr. Charu Kumar. He had been working with us as a salesman since 1999. He is careful, hard-working, very punctual and strictly honest. We had found no faults whatsoever with the manner in which he performed his duties. He left us on his accord as he wanted to attend to some family problems. We are sorry, to lose his services, but wish him all success in his life.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Raman Lal
8. Negative reply :
Dear Mrs. Dube,
In reply to your letter dated 7th November 2004, asking for particular about Mr. Charu Kumar. He was in our service for about eight months only, and was discharged, as we were not satisfied with his work.

Yours faithfully
Raman Lal

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