Traffic Signs

One day, Toto, a nine-year-old boy, was going back home from school with his grandfather. They were about to cross the road, when a car went by without halting at the zebra crossing and almost hit them. Toto thought that he had to do something, because he had noticed that cars did not respect the zebra crossing or the speed limits. He had a brilliant idea. He proposed to his class teacher to make a road safety week at school. Each child had to choose a traffic sign and understand its meaning. Then they had to explain it to their parents, at home. This helped the parents learn the lesson, too. On the last day of the road safety week, the children dressed up as traffic signs and marched all around the town, teaching the meanings of the traffic signs and how important it is to respect them to make streets safer. The whole town was really happy with Toto’s idea.

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