Ravana had kept Sita in Ashokavan in Lanka. Amongst Ravana’s demonesses guarding Sita, there was an old and wise demoness named Trijata. She was very wise and a devotee of Rama. She explained all the demonesses to serve Sita. She also told them about a dream she had seen in which a monkey had entered Lanka and burnt it, killing many demons. She also saw Ravana sitting on a donkey with his head shaven and all his twenty hands had been cut off. Rama and Laxman were riding towards Lanka on their ‘Pushpak vimaan’. She said that she also saw Ravana’s sons and all the demons going southwards riding on pigs while Vibhishan, dressed in a white robe, was the only one flying safely across the skies. Trijata added that she later dreamt Rama, Laxman, and Sita shining as bright as the sun going northwards on a four-tusked elephant. Finally, as the gods rejoiced, Lanka sank into the sea. She was sure her dream would come true. Hearing this, all the demonesses got scared and fell at Sita’s feet. Trijata also consoled Sita by explaining her Rama’s strength and valour and that he would rescue her soon.

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