Hanuman, sitting in the Ashoka tree, watched all this. He was all praise for Seeta’s devotion towards Rama. He saw Seeta weeping after Ravana had left.
The she-monsters began to trouble Seeta. Some of them advised her to accept Ravana’s proposal. Some mocked her. Some suggested that Rama had been killed by Ravana. He would never come back for Seeta. One of the she-monsters, Trijata, scolded her companions . She began to narrate a dream that she had seen. She saw Lanka burnt down. A monkey called Hanuman killed many demons. And she saw Ravana in tattered clothes going to the land of the dead while Rama took Seeta with him on a royal elephant.
This frightened the she-monsters who fell silent. Trijata told them to seek forgiveness of the saintly lady if they wanted to avoid being destroyed completely. Seeta called she-monster Trijata ‘mother’ and started crying, clung to her bosom