Akbar occasionally put his courtiers’ intelligence to test and asked them all kinds of difficult questions. One day, he asked them, “What is the difference between truth and falsehood? Tell me your answer in less than three words.” All the courtiers were taken aback. They did not have the answer to his question and they were silent. Akbar asked, “Why is everyone quiet? Birbal, can you answer this?” Birbal said, “Your Majesty, I want everyone else to speak first. That’s why I’m silent.” Akbar said, “No one seems to know the answer. Go ahead; tell me in less than three words!” “Four fingers,” said Birbal. Akbar was confused. Birbal explained, “Your Majesty, what we see is true but what we hear is mostly untrue. And the width between our eyes and ears is that of four fingers. That is what I meant.” Akbar was pleased with Birbal’s answer.
Truth and Falsehood