Try, Try, Try Again till you Succeed

Success is not a matter of luck or mere intellect but of effort. In the battle of life, the man who wins is the one who tries to win and believes he can. Nothing in the world can replace hard work, deep faith and unfaltering resistance. Sitting still and having mere wishful thinking makes no one great. The only thing that stands between a man and his ambition is the will to try.
Failures bring in frustration, pessimism, dejection and desperation. Hope gets dashed to the ground and dark clouds began hovering all around. But a brave person, an optimist, who has faith in his talents, ability, hard work, often sees a silver lining even in the dark clouds. He analyses the cause of his failure, tries to understand when, where and what went wrong and seeks its remedy.
When a person walks on the difficult path, then he has to put in a bit of extra efforts, he has to muster extra amount of patience and perseverance to achieve his goal. Only the people, who have determination and dedication with the will to cross the hurdles, can come out triumphant in their mission.
Positive attitude should be the basic approach to anything. If our attitude is not correct, nothing else would appear right and we will lose even before we begin. Enthusiasm adds a sparkle of self-confidence in us. It motivates us and our surroundings.
Luck, chance and destiny are some excuses of posess who dare not, who run away from the battlefield or fear of being defeated. It is foolish and coward to blame unfavourable circumstances of life. Life is not a bed of roses. It is a thorny road and we ourselves have to strive hard in order to pave a way through it by putting in our best efforts.
Unfavourable—not in one’s favour

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