Bob and his family lived in an apartment on the seventh floor. Every evening, the family would sit down after dinner and watch the news together. Bob’s grandfather called it the ‘Family Hour’. One day, during the Family Hour, Chelsea noticed that the fan was swaying strangely. Before she could say anything, her grand-mother screamed, “It is an earthquake! Quick, let us take the stairs and go out in the open.” But Bob knew that being on the seventh floor, they would never reach the ground in time. “I have a better idea,” he said, “We should hide under our big table.” Not knowing what else to do, the entire family huddled under the table. A little later, the earth stopped shaking. As they came out from under the table, the family noticed that the table had saved them from the fan, which had crashed right on top of it. Chelsea reported that the staircase of the building had fallen in. Everybody thanked Bob for his quick thinking.