V. The Fascinating Episode

Hanuman Departs for Lanka

Hearing the words of the monkey warriors Hanuman was elated. He ascended to Mount Mahendra in one leap. Hanuman offered prayers to Vayu, and with the name of Rama on his lips, he bent down and sprang towards Lanka. The monkey-army bade farewell to Hanuman. He asked the monkey-army to wait there and feed on fruits and roots till he returned.
In the ocean lay Mount Mainaka that had taken shelter in it to escape persecution by Indra. Mount Mainaka had been asked by the Sea-god to provide a resting place for Hanuman on his long flight to Lanka.

When he saw Hanuman approaching, he emerged out of the waves of the ocean and spoke to him. “Rest a while on my back, son.” Hanuman paused to thank him, touched by his gesture, and gently passed his hand over the back of the mountain.
But Hanuman said he could not delay Rama’s work, which had already been held up earlier. With Mount Mainaka’s blessings Hanuman went on his way.
When the gods saw Hanuman moving forward, they were worried whether Hanuman would be able to complete the work of Rama. They sent Sursa, mother of serpents, to test Hanuman’s strength, intelligence, prudence and knowledge. Hanuman was flying further along when Sursa blocked his path and said, “O Fool! I have been hungry for a long time.” Hanuman replied, “O Mother! Let me complete my Lord’s work. When I return, I myself shall come to you as your food.” But Sursa insisted on devouring Hanuman who was not at all perturbed.

She opened her mouth wide to devour him, but the wider she opened it, the larger Hanuman grew. When she had opened it a hundred yojanas wide, Hanuman shrank himself into a tiny size and shot through her mouth. Surasa resumed her real size and smiled at Hanuman, saying, “I had been sent by the gods to test your intelligence, Hanuman. You are truly very sharp! Go peacefully and may you be successful in your mission! May no hurdle befall your way!”
Sursa blessed him and Hanuman went forward to complete his task. He faced many hurdles but overcame all of them.

In the waters of the ocean lived a strange sea-monster named Sinhika. She lay in wait for birds flying overhead whose reflections she would see in the water. She would grab the reflection; thus the flying bird could not be able to fly any more. It would fall into the water. Thus she would gobble the flying birds up. Seeing Hanuman flying, she repeated the same thing.

She saw the reflection of Hanuman in the water. Immediately, she grabbed the reflection and as a result, she caught Hanuman and swallowed him. But Hanuman was more than a match for her. When he found himself inside the belly of the sea-monster, he tore open her abdomen and came out. Thus, overcoming every obstacle in his path, Hanuman finally approached the coast of Lanka, covered with plantain and coconut trees. Hanuman climbed up a high hill to survey the city of Lanka.

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