Vali is Slain

Sugreeva was thoroughly upset. He accused Rama of not wanting to kill Vali. But Rama had a genuine reason for not being able to shoot. Vali and Sugreeva were exactly alike in height and build and wore the same dresses and ornaments. So, it was difficult to differentiate between them.
Rama asked Lakshmana to fetch a garland of flowers for Sugreeva. “Challenge Vali again, O Sugreeva, and wear this garland. Then I will be able to identify Vali,” said Rama.
Sugreeva again challenged Vali who again readily came and during the combat between the brothers, Rama shot him. As he lay dying, he asked why Rama had shot him from behind. Rama explained to him that he had done wrong in taking away his brother’s wife. For this wrong conduct he had to be punished. Before he died, he had asked Sugreeva to take care of his wife and son, Angad.

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