Seeta watched the chariot going further and further away. She wept miserably at the terrible tragedy that had befallen her. Some children from the ashrama, playing near by, saw her crying and ran to tell sage Valmiki about her. Valmiki was gifted with divine vision. He could see well into the future. He immediately understood who she must be on the river bank. He went with the young monks to where Seeta lay. “Child, you must be the wife of Rama of Ayodhya, the daughter of King Janaka,” said Valmiki, “Welcome to my ashrama. I know all about you. Seeta, I know you are a pure and saintly lady. There are some ascetic ladies also in my ashrama who will take care of you. Come with me as this is your own home now.” Overwhelmed with his kindness and his gentle words, Seeta followed him to his ashrama.
Valmiki Meets Seeta