Vasishtha and Vishwamitra

The two sages had a long history. Vishwamitra had been the king of Chedi and had once visited Vasishtha’s ashrama in the forest with a large entourage. He had been surprised at the lavish hospitality provided for such a huge army of people at short notice. He asked the sage for the secret. Finally, Vasishtha showed him Sabala, the sacred cow, who was the daughter of Kamadhenu, the divine cow of the gods. She could provide anything. The king wanted the cow for himself. But no amount of persuasion, exchanges or threats could make Vasishtha give his beloved cow to Vishwamitra. Finally, he ordered his soldiers to grab Sabala and take her. Sabala pleaded with Vasishtha to save her. Vasishtha said she must produce more soldiers than Vishwamitra. Sabala understood. No matter how many soldiers dragged her, she had an ever-increasing army defending her. Vishwamitra’s army failed.

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