Video Game

What we today know as the video game was initially patented as ‘cathode ray tube amusement device’ by two very profound inventors Estle Ray Mann and Thomas Goldsmith Jr. on 14 December, 1948, in the US. The invention of this device was in the later months of 1947 though. However, this amusement device did not gain its popularity until the late 1970s and the 1980s. It was during this time that the arcade type video games, the gaming consoles, personal computer games, etc., were popularized among public. From that phase, the video gaming concept took pace and reached soaring heights with no breaks in between, so much so that today we have simulation based video games that use the highest technology and makes use of artificial intelligence to bring about an astounding gaming experience. There are in all 8 generations of the amazing video game console, the current trend being of the 6th, 7th and the 8th.

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