The news of the Pandavas and their marriage to Draupadi came to Hastinapura. Dhritarashtra put on an act of being very happy when he learnt it was Arjuna, and not Duryodhana, who won Draupadi. Duryodhana was angry and jealous. He consulted Shakuni and Karna to find out ways to create discord among the Pandavas and lure them to their destruction. Dhritarashtra advised them to conceal their plans for the present. Acting as if he agreed to the wisdom of Bhishma, Drona and Vidura, Dhritarashtra agreed that half the kingdom should be returned to the Pandavas since they were the rightful heirs to the throne. Vidura carried gifts and went to Panchala to invite the Pandavas to return. Though no one trusted Dhritarashtra or his sons, the Pandavas returned. Yudhishthira was crowned King and built a new capital at Indraprastha.
Vidura Invites the Pandavas to Return