Vishwamitra Seeks Advice

When all his efforts failed, Vishwamitra asked Vasishtha the secret of his great power and strength. “My strength comes from my inner being and is created by meditation and austerities,” replied Vasishtha. “I have been a powerful king and want for nothing. And yet today I am humbled by a sage in a forest. I must acquire this power,” Vishwamitra decided. He called his son and asked him to rule the kingdom. He himself chose to stay in the forest, leaving behind all his pomp and ceremony. He began practising austerities till he could please Lord Shiva. When Shiva appeared, Vishwamitra asked for power to match that of Vasishtha and defeat him. He specially asked for the brahmastra, an invincible weapon. Shiva granted him the boons. He immediately attacked Vasishtha who calmly planted his staff at the ashrama gate and went back to his meditation. Vishwamitra’s weapons, including the brahmastra, were stopped by the staff.

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