Vishwamitra Tells Ganga’s Story

Vishwamitra took the two princes and his disciples from Siddhashrama to Mithila. When they reached River Ganga, Vishwamitra told them the story of the mighty river, which was connected to the Suryavanshi kings too. Ganga was the elder daughter of Himavan. Her sister, Uma, was the wife of Lord Shiva. Sagara was a Suryavanshi king. He had two wives: Keshini whose son was Asamanjas who was insane, and Sumati who had sixty thousand sons. Amshuman was the son of Asamanjas and was loved by all. Once when King Sagara held an ashwamedha yajna, Indra ran away with the sacrificial horse. Sagara sent his sixty thousand sons to look for it. During the search, they disturbed Sage Kapila’s meditation and they were reduced to ashes. Garuda, the king of birds, and brother of Sumati, told Amshuman to take the horse and finish the yajna. Then he must bring Ganga to earth for saving his ancestors.

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