Vladimir Klavdiyevich Arsenyev was born on 10th September 1872 in Saint Petersburg, Russia, and he died on 4th September 1930 (aged 58 years) in Vladivostok, Russia. Vladimir is known for documenting and describing the various species of Siberian flora and the lifestyle of the ethnic people. He undertook many expeditions where he acutely studied the natural flora of the region. He authored many books on geography, wildlife and ethnography of the regions. His most famous book entitled ‘Ussurian Taiga’ was named after Arsenyev’s guide, a native of Nanai tribe. The book was eventually made into two films, one of which even won the Oscar Award for the best foreign language film.
Do you know: Vladimir’s wife was arrested soon after his death and executed for being a spy. His daughter was sent to a labour camp.