Vrindavan Fears Arishta

Sometime later, Kansa again sent an evil demon Arishta to Vrindavan to kill Lord Krishna. ‘I will kill You, Krishna. Consider me Your deliverer,’ the vile bull-demon thought as he entered Vrindavan. Arishta’s eyes glowed with an angry red light and his mighty hooves thudded on the floor as he charged ahead. The demon was so large that he seemed to block out the sun. It was impossible to climb on him because of his huge size. He moved with such speed that he could be in two different places in no time at all. Such negative energy came from him that all the birds and the animals fell silent as they saw the bull-demon.
Demon Arishta moved his massive head as he combed through the crowds looking for Lord Krishna. The people of Vrindavan saw the bull-demon and they shouted in fear, “A mighty evil demon with his ugly fiendish ways is attacking us. Help us, Lord Krishna!”
As Arishta looked around for Lord Krishna, He came and stood a little away from him. Arishta glared at Lord Krishna. “So, You have shown Yourself at last,” taunted the evil demon, “I am so powerful that I have killed not only calves but also mighty sages. Do You think You are a match for me?” Lord Krishna smiled calmly as He saw the bull-shaped demon ready to attack. He decided to play a game.

Just then, Lord Krishna clapped His hands. Hearing this, the bull-demon became angry and ran with horns lowered towards Lord Krishna. As the bull-demon neared Him, Lord Krishna tore one of his horns and slashed Arishta with it. Then, Lord Krishna hit Arishta with a deathly blow. The bull-demon Arishta lay dead at Lord Krishna’s feet. The people of Vrindavan cheered loudly when they saw this. Their joy knew no bounds as they worshipped and praised Lord Krishna. They were highly indebted to Lord Krishna for his daring act.

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