Vulturine Guineafowl

The Acryllium vulturinum (scientific name) or vulturine guineafowl is found in savannah and dry grasslands of North-East Africa, from South of Ethiopia to Northern Tanzania. 24-27 inches in length, this bird has a big body and disproportionately small head. The blue head and black neck are bare. It has long cape-like blue and white hackles. The chest is brilliantly blue, while the rest of the body plumage is black with white spangles. The wings are short and rounded, tail is longer and feet are used for walking rather than flying when it is frightened. Their diet consists of seeds and small invertebrates. An average clutch-size is 4-8 eggs incubated for 24-28 days. Its IUCN listing is the LEAST CONCERN.

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