War Councils

“Sir, the minister can only advise the one who is willing to listen,” said the old vulture, “I cannot guide you if you are going to do foolish things in spite of my advice. That is why I kept quiet.” King Jewel Plume apologised to his minister, saying that he had depended only on the physical strength of his army and not understood the wisdom of Doordarshi’s advice. “Please tell me how I can save the rest of my army,” requested the King. “We must go back to the Vindhya mountains.” “No,” said Doordarshi, “we will first destroy our enemy by causing conflict and then go back. Get ready to blockade their fort.” The spies of Karpuradweepa reported this to Chakravaka immediately. King Silver Plume was worried. “How will we handle this blockade?” he asked his minister. “Sir, identify those who are efficient in your army and give them rich gifts,” advised Chakravaka.

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